Sunday, July 18, 2010

MS CRM Social Networking Workflow Error (Twitter-Get External Updates / Missing Attributes)

Recently I've installed MS Social Networking Accelerator for MS CRM 4. The installation is very simple, it will get installed very easily. Once you installed and run you will encounter the Workflow errors:

Basically the MSA_snStatus Entity Customisation has some bugs. It does not include the below three attributes: You need to manually create those three attributes.

Open MS CRM App -> Go to Settings -> Go to Customisations -> Customise Entity -> Open MSA_snStatus entity -> Go to Attributes (left hand navigation panel)

Step 1. Add new attribute
Step 2. Specify attribute Display name = Contributors
Step 3. Specify attribute name = msa_snContributors [make sure your application default prefix is msa]
Step 4: datatype = nVarChar
Step 5: specify length = 200
Step 6: Save and clsoe

Repeat the same steps for below attributes:
2. MSA_snCoordinates attribute [Display name = Coordinates / nVarchar / 200]
3. MSA_snPlace attribute [Display name = Place / nVarchar / 200]

Save and Publish the entity.
Reload the MS CRM Application.

Start Creating the Twitter User. Now the workflow won't failed (i mean it will not be on the Waiting state anymore !!!).

Hope this will resolve the issue.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was following your solution to resolve the workflow error in social networking accelerator(for Twitter) integration in dynamic crm..But even after doing what you have listed out,the same problem exists..I wd be grateful if you could help me out in this,Thanks in advance!