"GenerateEntitySchema" tool generates a MS CRM Entity Schema.
Example "account": it generates the schema for all the attributes including (picklist values).
Have a look at this tool. (See screenshot)

you can download Generate MS CRM Entity Schema from http://www.codeplex.com/GenerateEntitySchema
As I'm working on this tool i'll release the source code soon.
All feedbacks are most welcome. !!!
Happy MS CRM Development.
Does it work with MS CRM 3.0?
Yes, it is compatible with MS CRM 3.0 and 4.0.
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Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the DVD e CD, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://dvd-e-cd.blogspot.com. A hug.
Thanks a lot. Exactly what I needed to generate the schemas. Erwin.
I tried to download your tool MS CRM Entity Schema but couldn't find it on codeplex.
Where can I download it ?
Thank your for your answer,
please reply with your email address. I'll send exe of the project.
I think codeplex removed the link.. they are very bad people, without notification they removed.... its really bad.
Now you can download the file please visit the link "http://www.codeplex.com/GenerateEntitySchema/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=19738"
Please let me know if you need further information.
Thank you for your quick answer.
I downloaded your tool today.
Great work !
Hi Ranjit,
Currently i am working on Ms CRM 3.0.Its new for me. i need to generate the schema of CRM entity and read it through .net.can u please help me out ?
I found your tool similar so thought to ask u.
Thanks !
Hey, what exactly you need from me?Please let me know, if i can be of any help.
Hi Ranjit,
If u can let me know the way how i can read the MS CRM form and generate the RDL files dynamically based on that entity schema.
It will be great help for me...
Thanks for quick reply
I tried obtaining schemas for entities using http://crmappserver/sdk/xsd/entity.aspx?entity=entityname
but i can find the folder "XSD"in crm 4.0 ny clue on why it is not there ?
Hi physicist,
I didn't understand your problem.
CAn you please brief it clearly?
Hi Physicist,
In MS CRM 4.o, you can use below url to obtain entity schema:
please let me know if you have any more questions.
Hi Ranjit,
Thanks 4 your swift response.Appreciate it!
Actually am attempting to get the XSD Schema for individual CRM entities..when i was searching for it i saw an article stating that i could get the XSD schema of individual entities-For Instance if i need to obtain the XSD schema for account entity,i could do it with the url -"http://localhost/sdk/xsd/entity.aspx?entity=account"......but no go as i could not find the Directory ??XSD ..so i was wondering if it is available only in CRM 3.0..Hope this helps
Hi Physicist,
In MS CRM 4.o, you can use below url to obtain entity schema:
please let me know if you have any more questions.
Hi Ranjit,
It takes me to the metadata browser,where the the entity metadata is displayed in an Aspx page but i need the XSD for an entity.
Essentially speaking,
It is available as a huge chunk(i.e for all the entites) in the metadatadata service.wsdl file..but am thinking if there is any way to do retrieve the XSD file for a particular entity.
could you pleasetake a look at this url :"http://customerfx.com/pages/crmdeveloper/2006/02/17/getting-xsd-schema-for-crm-entities.aspx"
The First url describs an aritcle where we can obtain the XSD schema
and the later one represents the metadata Browser through which we can drill down on seperate entities.
My Ambiquity floats around the article that is described in the first URL
Hi Ranjit,
I am using ur Schema generator Tool..what is the significance of method Insert and Update that u've added?
The advantage of the tool is that, it genereates the metadata for each and every entity. If you look at the MS CRM EntityMetadata XSD Generator, it won't give you the complex type of data, such as:
Picklist(all Values).
Boolean (True, False Values)
and so on.
And you can easily PARSE this XSD.
Hi Rantjit,
What is the difference between the InsertDynamicSchema.xsd and UpdateDynamicSchema.xsd that the Application is generating?
There are some fields which are applicable for Insert and Update.
There are some fields which comes in picture when updating an enityt record.
hi ranjit!!
i need to badly badly generate xml scheme for custom entities in my ms crm system. it is an ifd deployment...can ur tool work on that? plz help me..i have to do this as part of my job project and i hav never worked with xml or crm before ..plz help me ranjit!!
I need CRM EntityMetadata XSD Generator where I can download .
Thanks for Sharing your valuable Information. I really like this post.
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